Considering that a massage from our master, massage advisor Trista Thorp of the Golden Door Spa in California, assumes control more than an hour, there was no chance we could catch every last bit of her techniques in the magazine. We can't do it here, either, however in any event we can offer you a couple of something beyond.
Make her a Thai footbath. Slice up a large portion of a lime and place it in a bowl of warm water. Rest her feet in the water while you rub the bottoms of them with the other a large portion of the lime, using it as a scrubber. The corrosive helps remove poisons, and the warm water will mellow her feet and help her relax.
Take a hand towel and absorb it the footbath. Hold the towel over her knee, and, without giving it a chance to touch her leg, let the water dribble down her calf and foot. Pat dry after one of you gets exhausted.
Tenderly holding her feet, turn her lower legs clockwise and afterward counterclockwise. Turn every toe the same way, pulling tenderly on each.
In the wake of applying moisturizer, take one foot in both hands and walk your thumbs back and forward over the soles of her feet. Push profound with your thumbs, working the weight focuses.
Specifically underneath the bundle of her foot, move your thumbs in half circles, working back and forward on a level plane.
Beginning with your thumbs on inverse sides of her sole, slide them toward one another and to the inverse side of her foot. Move slightly down and bring them back. Proceed until you contact her heel.
Interweave your fingers, resting them on the highest point of her foot with your thumbs on her sole. Slide your hands here and there over the entire foot, applying weight with your thumbs.
Place your fingertips in the channels between every metatarsal (those are the long bones on the highest point of the foot), tenderly sliding each of the four fingers all over between them
Beginning at the outside of her lower leg, find where the muscle meets the bone. Float your thumb along this line as far as possible up her shin, applying slight weight